My friend Rachel saw the post and asked if she could review the recipe too. Rachel writes at and she has already provided reviews of another recipe in her GF bread reviews last year. Here is a link to Rachel's review:
The original recipe sheet is available via a link from Rachel's review, or here:
If you want a free copy be quick, after 31 March it will only be available in my store:
Now, I have to say, the buns are good! But, more important is the reason for the buns. The cute cross on the top reminds us of a vicious tool of death used by the Romans to keep the peace. Thousands of criminals and rebels were killed by cross execution - crucifixion - in the Roman Empire. There are historical records that tell us about the practice. Knowledge of one death, in particular, has been handed down through the past 2000 years, not because it was particularly vicious - the records simply tell us the man was crucified. There are no gory details in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The word 'crucified' was probably enough to remind the original readers. After all, for them it was most likely in living memory, and crucifixions were still happening! The reason the history has been maintained is the man, Jesus of Nazareth, who had been confirmed dead by the Roman authorities, was restored to life a few days later.
I have been reading Luke's Gospel about this. Luke carefully researched the matter from eyewitness accounts, and presented the facts. He also recorded some of the history of the early followers of Jesus in the book called 'Acts'. Acts, in the words of the original followers of Jesus, provides their interpretation and understanding of the significance of the events. It is well worth reading. I invite you to read it with me.