There is more than bread!A long time ago, someone I know was challenged to make bread from unconventional ingredients. His response was profound and challenging. The challenge is still there today. He said: "man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."
That man was Jesus of Nazareth. In his response to the challenge, he recalled another time, well over a thousand years earlier when his mother's ancestors were wandering in the wilderness, having recently escaped, en masse, from slavery in Egypt. The "Bread of Life"Another time, when Jesus was speaking to the crowds (people traveled from all over Israel to hear him and to learn from him), he identified himself as the one sent from God. More astounding than that, Jesus identified himself as the "bread of life", the "bread from heaven"; if people eat this bread they will never die. These statement sounded as outrageous then as they do now. Some of his followers left him after this teaching. To understand what Jesus was saying, and what he meant by it, we need to turn to chapter 6 of John's Gospel.
Is it important to know the "bread of life"?I think knowing the "bread of life" is very important. If you are interested in talking with me about him, I will be very happy to talk with you. Please contact me through the form.
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